Advanced polystyrene compactor will help the Victorian Government implement its circular economy policy

The procurement of advanced waste disposal in the South East metropolitan area has reached a major milestone with the release of the first tender documents. With recent documents suggesting that Hallam Landfill will close by 2025, councils in South East Melbourne have been working together to find a viable alternative to landfill for household waste.

Attention is beginning to turn to advanced recycling equipment, which the government believes will help the Victorian government implement its circular economy policy. This makes one reflect on why polystyrene recycling has always been a difficult task. Can we lean polystyrene towards a circular economy? In fact, a circular economy for polystyrene can be achieved with advanced recycling equipment such as the polystyrene compactor, as described above.

Polystyrene compactor is designed using advanced physical technology based on the 98% air to 2% actual plastic composition of polystyrene. Once all the air in the polystyrene has been extruded, the remaining part can be recovered 100 percent. The machine crushes the polystyrene and turns it into compact blocks using screw extrusion technology in order to facilitate its transport and propel it to the next stage of the life cycle - pelletizing. Once pelletized, it can be made into an end product that can be re-sold in the marketplace, but of course this is all an afterthought.

There are many manufacturers of such machines, but few of them are really professional. GREENMAX is a specialist in polystyrene recycling and is committed to the steady development of polystyrene recycling worldwide.

QLS Group, based in Dandenong, Victoria, Australia, is a national storage and logistics company that GREENMAX works with. Since it is a logistics company, it is natural that a large amount of waste polystyrene will be left over. This meant that the company was faced with high polystyrene recycling and disposal costs. After several visits and studies, the company finally chose to work with GREENMAX. With the GREENMAX polystyrene recycling machine, the company's transportation and recycling costs were greatly reduced, and the company was able to generate revenue by selling the blocks of material produced by the machine. Compared to the original situation, this is a win-win for everyone.

Whether it's solving a company's own polystyrene troubles or achieving a circular economy in the grand scheme of things, we can seek the help of advanced recycling equipment. What's more, we can also get extra benefits from it, so why not?